Borgia - season 2
A responsive parallax website for the second season of the ZDF series “Borgia”. Besides stories, interviews with actors and behind the scenes material, all episodes were available to watch on the site.
A responsive parallax website for the second season of the ZDF series “Borgia”. Besides stories, interviews with actors and behind the scenes material, all episodes were available to watch on the site.

100 Jahre erster Weltkrieg
A responsive parallax website for the ZDF documentary “Mit Jubel in die Hölle” (Rejoicing all the way to hell), the first in a series on the 100th anniversary of World War I. With historical photographs and film footage, the website accompanied three young German soldiers on the way to war.
A responsive parallax website for the ZDF documentary “Mit Jubel in die Hölle” (Rejoicing all the way to hell), the first in a series on the 100th anniversary of World War I. With historical photographs and film footage, the website accompanied three young German soldiers on the way to war.